about biscuits

First of all, me and biscuits are a work in progress.
In the beginning this blog was titled, "It's Unital", back in 2007.  Merely because I was standing at my cubicle, bantering with my co-workers and I made up a word within our conversation, "unital".  However, later, when I decided to begin a blog and was trying to figure out a clever and worthy title, and remembering my "made up word", I decided it might be a good title for the blog, so I googled the word, just in case it already existed and had a meaning....and it did, it's a mathmatical term, which made me feel even cooler, so began, "it's unital". 
The blogging didn't really take off until I decided to go on a road trip to the east coast (Road Trip 2008).  Then I planted my stake in North Carolina, however it had only been 7 months before I pulled up stakes, packed up my car and headed back west.  My grandma had a stroke and needed a full-time caregiver, I said yes.
Being at grandma's (where I am currently) has been daunting and enjoyable.  I've been mentally exhausted and spiritually exhilarated; I've questioned my purpose and the meaning of life and my faith in God and "who am I", however, I have also been so profoundly assured of my purpose here, with grandma; my faith in God has deepened beyond expression at times and every once in a while I catch a glimpse of myself and like what I see (operative phrase being "once in a while").  Sometimes I feel all over the board and think about destroying all of my journals because I am tired of my ramblings and wonder "what the hell is wrong with me?" and other times I feel perfectly in place, like the marble that reached 'home' in aggravation (it's a board game).  So, after completing freshman year at the college of surrender I decided to try my hand at blogging again as an attempt to "find my voice".  At that time I realized I was over the title, "its unital" and needed to give my blog a name that more reflects me and my random musings, hence 'Biscuits on Sunday'.
Biscuits on Sunday was a lesson I learned or am still learning or have yet to fully give definition to....
It was Christmas Break of my freshman year in college, I went home on a Saturday and on Sunday morning I woke up, walked into the living room and said good morning to my mom, who was (as always) sitting in her chair reading a book.  In that moment of familiarity I noticed something missing, a smell, a smell I didn't realize I had grown accustom to until it was not present..."mom, did you make biscuits?"  "no, honey, did you want me to?" "You always made biscuits on Sunday."
Hence, a title that has stuck with me ever since, thinking, that if I were to write a book someday , it would be called, "Biscuits on Sunday".
So, unhappy with "its unital" and in process of finding my voice, I was reminded of my book title and thought, "why wait for a book?" and "biscuitsonsunday.blogspot.com" was born.
Familiarity is comfortable, but change is worth living for.