Monday, March 22, 2010

Read "Prelude" first.....

Okay, let's try this again...Sunday, March 21st.

I woke up at 12:35am feeling so hungry. Which was understandable considering what little I ate the day before. However, I was not prepared for the distraction this would cause in my attempt to go back to sleep. I tossed and turned for about an hour until I decided to get up and take care of some business on the computer. Afterward I tried to, once again, go back to sleep. My stomach wouldn't let me. At 2:23 I grabbed my things and headed over to grandma's house to satisfy my hunger and finish out my sleep.

By the time I got to grandma's, grabbed some water and celery, cleared off my bed and snuggled in under the covers, it was 3am. My alarm was set for 7am in order to go to early service, however, by this point I decided I would just skip the service and sleep in, so turned off the alarm.

The next time I woke up the sun was peaking through my curtain and I said to myself, "it must be at least 9 or later since the last time I woke up and looked at the clock it was 7:27; and that had to of been at least a couple of hours ago". I really thought I had woke up a couple hours earlier, looked at the clock, saw that it was "7:27" and decided to go back to sleep. So you can imagine my surprise, when I grabbed my cell phone to check the time, at it was 7:27. Needless to say, I was perplexed and figured, "I better go to church....cuz that is just weird".

The message was entitled "Heavenly Minded" and what a perfect word in due season! Oh how I needed to be reminded of this crucial element in the believer's walk. Was richly blessed in this exhortation.

After church I had my Sunday pizza with Dave & Lily, picked up some groceries and potting soil and headed back home. I still had some things over at Dad's trailer that I needed to grab and then would head back to grandma's to plant starter seeds with Aunt Kathy.

When I opened to the door of the trailer I heard an interesting noise...kind of a rushing-hissing sound....kind of like a pipe-that-burst-and-water-spraying-all-over-the-place kind of sound. And, what do you know...that is exactly what it was. Inches of water covered the bathroom floor and the hallway carpet was beyond soaked. I managed to get the water turned off and commenced extraction.

The reason why I mention this excerpt from my day is to acknowledge the incredible timing for such a thing to occur. If this pipe would have burst any other Sunday prior to March 21st, the water damage would have been irreparable. The water would have continue soaking the bathroom and beyond for at least one week, if not two.

What does this mean in the grand scheme of things....I don't know. Is there a meaning to be found in a burst pipe and salvaged flooring....I don't know. What does it mean to me? I was where I needed to be because I obeyed the Lord. Did I save a soul? No, I saved a floor. Why? I don't know. Do I need to know why? No, because I believe in a God that does and that will always be good enough for me.

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