Monday, April 12, 2010


Proverbs 12:1 "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid".  (NKJV)

Last Saturday (the 5th) I was in prayer meeting and we were praying for the home churches.  Of course we all want people to be plugged into fellowship apart from attending church once a week, so we prayed for people to get connected in a home church.  While we were praying, I knew that I wasn't able to join a home church because of where I lived and the restriction on my schedule while caring for grandma.  So, I prayed out for those who just weren't able to be a part of a home church. 

One week later (the 10th) I was talking to a friend who asked me, "are you a part of a home church?".  And feeling a bit on the defensive I said, "no, I only have so much 'Leslie' time on the weekends, I'm not able to do it on the weekdays; I have to be back in Monroe by 6 on Sundays, this just isn't the time for me, and that has to be ok".  We moved on with our conversation and I moved on with my day.  However, that night at Saturday prayer, home churches were the topic of our prayers and wisdom was the desire.  And strangely enough, I was feeling so restless and anxious during these prayers...hmmm....

Well, later that night, before drifting off to sleep I entered into prayer and the Lord reminded me of a lesson He just taught me a month ago. "ALL of my time is consecrated to the Lord".  So, I prayed, "Lord, once again, I surrender the weekends to You and if it be your will that I enter into fellowship through a home church, then I receive that correction and will yield to your direction."

Sunday morning, arising for the day, once again, compelled to enter into prayer, "Lord, please cause someone to invite me to their home church if it be your will that I go, and I will obey".

Now, I had planned on going to the 11am service, because I was out late the night before, and didn't have any reason to wake up early.  But, I woke up at 6:15am, drank some tea, prayed, took a shower, took my time getting ready, painted each individual eyelash with mascara...REALLY I was not gonna make the 9am service.  After I finished getting ready, I checked the time - "8:32? Dang, I guess I could go to the 9am...might as well". 

It was at early service that I ran into Charlene and we had much to talk about...we talked until the second service began, so had to file out into the foyer.  It was here, that her husband, Kevin, approached us.  We said our hello's...acknowledging we hadn't seen each other since 2002/2003...and just before walking away, Kevin said, "do you belong to a home church?"  I shook my head, "nope...".  Then Charlene said, "oh you are more than welcome to join ours, its today."  To which I said, "it would have to be before 6pm."  To which she said, "it's from 3-5pm".  Again, I shook my head, not as to say, "no", but in disbelief.  Why disbelief...I mean, really, oh ye of little faith.  Charlene, perceiving my reaction as an unsure response, said "you can just pray about it, you don't have to come tonight".  And all I could say was, "I already have and I will be there."

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