Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"Be still and know that I am God"

Riding my motorcycle down Hwy 101 along the Oregon Coast.
This was the second day on my ride between Newport and Florence. The highway winds into the coastal range, so there are a few miles when you are riding off the coast, and for the picture I was just coming around a corner out of the foresty area and....there it was. The most (my apologies for the cliche) breathtaking view I had seen. There is a turnout here and 2 other motorcyclists were breathing it in as well.

I stopped, got off my bike and walked pass the gentlemen to get as close to the cliff as possible. When I passed I said, "hello"...
the one gentleman standing next to his bike returned the greeting, however the gentleman sitting on his bike continued to look out toward the expanse of greatness that can only be accredited to our Great God, the Creator.

I had my moment, took my picture, then headed back toward my bike. This time, the dude (they have been demoted, only because I am tired of typing out "gentlemen" and...who knows...maybe they really aren't gentlemen) standing next to his bike said to me, "are you enjoying yourself", which sparked a mild conversation. For the rest of this story I will give the names Dude1 to he who is standing and Dude2 to he who is sitting.

Me: "yes, I am, that is the most amazing sight I have seen yet. Where are you guys traveling from?"
Dude1 proceded to explain to me their trip, that they started in Utah and will end up, well, back in Utah, but only after they ride down the coast into California and back up through Central Oregon.
Me and Dude1 obviously shared some words, while Dude2 just sat on his bike looking straight ahead...not even acknowledging a fellow, not to mention, friendly motorcyclist. Well, as the conversation came to a close, Dude 1 said, "enjoy the rest of your day", at which I replied, "thanks...and you guys have a nice trip". It was at this seemingly last word that Dude2 made his presence known by simply saying to me,
"Be careful".

Huh....thanks Dude2.

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