Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Journey is about to begin.....

Actually the journey has already began....but in my eyes, it begins tomorrow. I stayed in Seattle with my friends Mary and Jeff and their new baby boy, Eli, on Saturday and Sunday night. Monday morning I headed east to Yakima to visit with my mom, Grams and Gramps.
I planned on leaving Tuesday morning (this morning) but realized I still had a bit to do before beginng my cross country trek...not to mention my great uncle and his wife are in town visiting, so will have dinner with them tonight.

I wasn't even on the road for 300 miles before experiencing my first road trip blunder....I lost a hub cap. Or, I guess it is called a center cap. And the only place that sells one in Yakima is the Chevy dealership....do I break down and buy one? They aren't exactly cheap for someone who is unemployed and homeless. Hmm...

My mother bought me a wonderful little laptop, so now I will totally be connected while traveling along the highways and byways of the United States of America. My first "official" stop is Virginia.

One of the most exciting things about having a laptop is access to my favorite internet radio station...Radio Paradise (radioparadise.com). If you are into music of almost all genres, I strongly suggest this website.

Okay, well, this is just a little "here I am" so...here I go.

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