Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 7 - West Virginia to Virginia

Tuesday, August 12th

Good Morning

I woke up today ready to be in Virginia, so got on the Interstate and headed east. However the interstate I was on (I-64) was taking me South and then North up to the DC area, and why take that route when I can just cut straight across West Virginia? So, I got on Hwy 60 east and made my way through the hills of West Virginia. Now, I was warned about doing this..."they" say stay away from those folk in the hills of West Virginia. But if I would have avoided this part of the trip (which I originally planned on doing) I would have missed out on the beautiful Appalachian Mountains and some incredible views....

Heading into the Mountains

The unicorporated towns of West Virginia (I'm thinking of joining)

A little lumber mill....

Next, crossing the Kanawha River...

I obviously had to go to the other end of the bridge to turn around and this became one of two times that I experienced the "fear" of the hills of West Virginia. At the end of this bridge, the road becomes gravel and silence thickens the air. I was dreading the possibility of getting a flat tire...but I turned around and made it back...all is well. I'm sure there was nothing to be afraid of, just the words of warning ringing in my ears catapulting my imagination.

The River from the bridge

Traveling onward I came upon a little town tucked back off the road. A railroad bridge crossed over the river and for some reason the thought of walking on that bridge to capture a picture of the town became the best idea of the day and I had to do it. I pulled off the road at the old train depot and surveyed the area, it was now a little vistor's center and I was 99.9% sure the tracks were no longer in use. So made my way and started walking down the tracks...

Now for some reason I assumed the tracks/bridge was solid as it crossed over the river, however once the bank ended, I was able to see water through the cracks between the railroad ties. My heart began thumping a bit, and once again the thoughts of tripping, falling, or crossing paths with the Headless Horseman flooded my mind, but I felt possessed in that I had to get this picture...not sure why, maybe I was fulfilling a fantasy of being a journalist willing to risk her life for that perfect picture. The fantasy didn't last long, I scared myself enough to stop after about 5 ties over the river and took what picture I could. It was a fun little adventure.

I spent the rest of the trip ascending and descending the winding mountain highway and had to stop to photo-op...

I think I'll submit this as a postcard.

Coming out of the W. Virginia mountains.....

And into Virginia....

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