Monday, August 18, 2008

Old Town Alexandria

Wednesday, August 13th
My friend, Kathy, who I visited in Virginia works in Old Town Alexandria, so on this morning I went into work with her and wandered down King Street in Old Town. I found a Starbucks where I could catch up on my blogs and actually rest from driving and having some place to get to. I spent all morning in Starbucks then met Kathy for lunch. Afterward I spent the remainder of the afternoon capturing the essence of King Street from my perspective.

Old Town Alexandria

Old Town Movie Theater

Rooftop windows

Row houses turned multi-colored businesses

Me trying to be assignment...doors.

I fell in love with the colorful, unique store-fronts.

Street Corner Building

The square off King Street holds a Farmer's Market every Wednesday at 3pm, this is set up.

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