Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Saturday, August 16th


Jesse & Alexis were married this day.

I decided to visit Baltimore, MD today. Just 63 miles north, I could spend a good part of the day touring around the city before getting back for Simeon's 6th Birthday celebration. Once I arrived in Baltimore, I headed straight for the Waterfront Promenade. I figured this would be a good central location to park and then explore. Once I left my car and walked along the pier (at Pier VI), I realized, "this isn't where I want to be". I wasn't in the mood for people, for a city, for tourist activities...I just wanted to be back in my car, driving through the quiet streets of the countryside. So, I walked back to the parking garage, got in my car and made my way out of the city onto a highway heading north. I looked at the map and figured I would make my way over to Delaware and then back around to Virginia. However, as I was driving I saw an exit for the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum and I desired to check it out. I followed the signs and found myself at a park over looking the Chesepeake Bay. The park was quiet and refreshing so I walked over to the shore and found a sweet little spot that just warmed my heart. I went back to my car to get a blanket and spent about 2 hours just sitting under a tree on the shore of the Chesepeake, enjoying the peace, quiet and tranquility this little moment in time had to offer.
My place of tranquility.....

I could have spent the whole day here, I didn't even check out the museum. This was all I wanted, just a quiet place to watch the sale boats, hear the birds, feel the breeze and be at peace.

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