Monday, August 18, 2008

Washington DC

Thursday, August 14th
Today I decided to visit what I could of DC. I didn't have much time, and to be perfectly honest, I didn't have much desire to see DC...but figured I better since I was so close. I wasn't sure what to or if it would impact me. I took the universal tourist pictures but also tried to capture my perspective of the experience. I only had time to visit the National Mall (excluding the Capital) and Arlington Cemetery, will have to return for the Smithsonians at another time and hopefully with someone. I have no problem driving across country and sitting in the midst of nature by myself, but for some reason, I can't stand being in a city alone.

First stop: Washington Monument

As we know it.....

My perspective....the nature of man.

Next: World II Memorial

I will have to develop my photography skills and get a different camera to fully capture this Memorial.

As true today as yesterday and will continue to be a banner over those serving in the armed forces.

Next we make our way along the pathway of the Reflecting Pool to Lincoln's Memorial.

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool from Steps of Lincoln Memorial

Mark this picture as a victory. The memorial was crowded with people, all taking pictures, all standing right in front and around....I wanted a picture with no one in it so stood in front with camera in position waiting for a window of opportunity...think I got it.

Continuing on....

After visiting the Vietnam Memorial I made my way to 1600 Pennsylvania...

The White House as I saw it.

I wasn't able to get any closer, the street was blocked off because construction was in progress on the entry gate from this avenue. So, I stood with all the other tourists and lunching patrons in the park across the street. I was surprised the White House was in the middle of a regular street block, I imagined it would be set off somewhere...but it's not and it's not as big as it seems in the pictures....however, is anything?

It was about this time I had to start making my way back to the train. Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon would be my final stops for the day. However, Arlington presented an almost haunting surprise.

Arlington as we are most familiar with it....

After I took this picture I began walking toward the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier...

and about the same time I heard thunder in the distance. The thunder got closer as I continued my way to the tomb, by the time I got to the steps rain accompanied the thunder. This added a new element to an already eerie experience. The air was thick and warm and the rain continued to fall harder and harder, apart from the thunder all was quiet in this place of honor. I felt out of place taking a picture of the guard, but it didn't stop me from attempting to record this act of honor and diligence.

I found partial refuge under a tree and was able to capture the picture below, which I believe sums up my Arlington experience beautifully!

Needless to say I wasn't able to get to the Pentagon this day....had to dry out before getting back on the train.

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