Saturday, September 20, 2008

On Location....

I realize I am very much behind and may have lost a few readers, but of yesterday I am working on a temporary project that has me working 12 hours/day 7 days a week for the next 3-4 weeks. Last night, when I got home from work, I discovered there was quite a bit of light coming from the alley that runs alongside my house and many people were gathered around in my backyard. I was curious, but too tired to investigate, so went inside. I settled into bed but the noise from outside was too loud to fall asleep, plus my mind was racing with my new assignment and everything I had to get set up in the coming days. I laid in bed wondering if I should call the cops...but it didn't sound like an out of hand party, just a really loud group of people and would rather handle those situations by going out and talking to them. But, as I said, I was tired.
So, tonight I get home around 9pm and there is a spotlight on the sidewalk at the end of the alley (where I parked) and looking down the alley there are more lights, a camera on a track, some people milling about, a guy in my back yard holding a 'boom' over the fence and a gentlemen walking toward me down the alley carrying a six pack of beer. I yelled out, "what are you guys doing?" He said, "we're filming an independent movie"...."really? that's cool, you've got quite the set up." He asked if I had ever been on a set before, to which I replied, "No" and he siad, "well, come on and take a look." I asked him if they needed a permit or something to do this and he said he wasn't sure, "we're kind of filming gorilla style and the producer lives in that house" (pointing to the house behind mine). Another guy hollared out to me, "have you ever seen a film on the monitor?" "Nope", "well come on over the tracks and check it out". So I hung out with the film crew while taping a scene for the Independent movie, "Half Empty"...if it ever makes it to publication look for it, cuz you will see my alley and my house :-)...oh....and it might be a pretty good movie. I stayed "on set" for about 45 minutes before heading up to my apartment.

Looking down at the set from my back porch
Not the best of photos, but I didn't want the flash to affect their filming and whenever I turn the flash off at night it does a slow shutter speed (I think) and I always get blurred results. One of my plans is to take a photography course when I get a bit more settled in. In the meantime, you are stuck with blurred night time photos. By the way, the guy carrying the 6-pack was the actor.

1 comment:

tracianne67 said...

Hey girl, long time no talk to!
I have been reading your blogs and it's really cool about the movie filming!
Well you havent blogged in quite awhile but keep us all updated with what you're doing!