Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a small world....but a long story

When I first arrived in Wilmington I stayed two nights...the first night, because I had just arrived and the second night, because I had decided to stay. My second morning in Wilmington (of my first visit, before I came back to find an apartment) I had decided to go to one of the local churches. It was a small enough church that the pastor had asked, "a show of hands, do we have any visitors with us today," and I, of course, threw my hand up like I had the winning raffle ticket. This brought attention to me, so that when service was over, I was approached by a couple of the ladies...one of them introduced me to Jennifer. Jennifer and I hit it off. She had asked me if I would be in town on Friday because her husband was in a band and they would be playing on the water front. I told her I wasn't sure, but she got my email address to follow up later in the week. And she did, bless her heart. I wasn't in town to go to the show, but when I did finally move and settle into Wilmington, I called her and she pretty much became my first friend here. A couple weeks after being here her husband's band did another show in town and this time I went. They are awesome. Turns out her husband, "Funky" LeRoy Harper, played in James Brown's band up until James past away (I believe in '06). He is an incredible sax player and the band he is in, "Painted Man" are a group of incredibly talented musicians. They play the funk, soul, jazz sound. Anyway....
I think it was the following week that I got the temp job I had mentioned in one of my previous posts. The temp job was suppose to be simply calling insurance policy holders for an independent claims adjusting firm on a part-time basis (4pm-9pm)...however, the first day on the job, God gave me an incredible gift of favor...I just happen to be standing around with a group of other temps as we waited to be directed and one of the guys working for the company owner asked me if I knew Excel...I said 'yes', as I helped him with a spreadsheet, the owner came in, saw me helping him and asked me, "so, you know excel and word and administrative stuff like that?" I said, "yes"...he said, "what's your availability?"...I said, "I'm available all day..." he said, "ok, this is what i need, I need someone to head up this whole workflow process...I need someone to be my right hand man...it will be crazy hours...all day, everyday....you think you can do that?"....after a moment of contemplation, I said, "yes". So began my 12-16 hr days/7 days a week. This only lasted about 2 weeks, then the work slowed down so was able to work a more regular Monday-Friday schedule. During this time I had relied heavily on Jodi (one of the company VP's) to help me with my questions and anything else that may have come up. One day Jodi had mentioned she had a hair appointment, being new to the area, and being (what i consider to be) prematurely grey I needed to find myself a good hair stylist...and FAST. So I asked her who she goes to and she emailed me the information. I had a chance to only glance at it briefly, and when it was time to go home I had forgotten about it.
The next morning, Saturday, I looked at my grey in the mirror and thought, "I have to get my hair done". Getting a good hair stylist at the last minute is next to impossible, but thought I would see what I could do. I couldn't remember the name of the salon Jodi went to and could only remember her stylist's name starting with a "T", but figured I would look online and see if something appeared familiar. And sure enough, "Beyond Basics", I remember the picture on their website. I called to see if there was anyone available that day to do a color and highlights. The lady put me on hold, then when she returned, she said, "I actually have an opening at 1:15 with Louise". I unconsciously made a slight moaning sound because, as I said previously, it is hard to find a good hair stylist last minute...so....how good could Louise be? The lady on the other end of the phone heard my moan and said, "oh, is that not a good time?" I said, "no it's fine, I'm just so apprehensive about a new stylist..." to which she replied, "well, let me tell you about Louise, she has been doing hair for over 23 years and is one of our more highly recommended stylists. The only reason she has an opening is because she usually only works M-F, but had to come in today for one of her regular clients so said she would stay to take care of you." It worked, my mind was at ease and I set the appointment.
When I arrived at the salon I asked the front desk gent if they had a stylist whose name began with a "T". He listed two names, both were men, neither were Jodi's 'girl'. So, I figured no big deal, hopefully I will be happy with Louise. Louise comes out and greets me for my appointment, I walk back to her station with her, sit down and started the normal get-to-know-your-client chit chat, from which I told her my friend Jodi recommended the salon...to which Louise replies, "oh, Jodi.." and I said, "oh you know her?" she said, "yeah, I do her hair, ".....gasp of disbelief, "WHAT? You're Jodi's styist? I couldn't remember your name so I was unable to request you." Low and behold....how crazy is that I ask you? Well, it gets crazier.

So here I am, working with the company now for about 2 months and I have been offered a job opportunity that would allow me to be hired on permanently with the company....providing I am able to do the job to their satisfaction. For the past month I have been in a trial period working alongside Jodi as a Recruiter (hiring claims adjusters throughout the eastern and central states). During this time, Jodi has been planning their company Christmas party and is looking for a live band. I tell her about Painted Man. We listen to their MySpace, and though she likes what she hears, and I of course sing their praise, we aren't sure if it's a band for the group that will be attending. So we continue on the band search. The week before Thanksgiving Jodi remembers that Louise's husband is in a band so she gives Louise a call. "Louise, what is the name of your husband's band?" And do you know what Louise's reply was? "Painted Man".....again, "WHAT?" Eventually we decide on Painted Man which means, I need to get a hold of a demo cd. I called Roy (Funky LeRoy Harper) last night to see if I could swing by and pick up a demo, he was on the road driving and said he would call me when he got home. After that I spoke with Jennifer, told her I just got off the phone with Roy and that I was going to swing by her house later to pick up a demo. She then informs me that Roy was coming back from Virginia where they played a show on Sunday night. Knowing that I said, "well, I can just pick it up tomorrow, I didn't realize he was coming back from Virginia". She then offered to bring it by my work the following day. Which brings up to date....today.
About 11:00 I get a call on my cell from a number I didn't recognize....I never answer those calls. But the person left a message, so I checked it...it was Gerard, Louise's husband. Roy called Gerard to see if he could get Jennifer a cd to bring to me. Gerard called Jen and Jen said that she thought I was getting my hair done today so maybe he could just give it to Louise. Gerard then calls Louise and asks if he can drop off the cd with her at work to give to me. Louise says "Leslie isn't coming in until Saturday". So, Gerard called me to get directions to my work so he could drop it off.
So....to recap the Cliche:
I know Jen who is married to Roy who is in a band with Gerard who is married to Louise who does my hair who I found out about through Jodi who I work with.

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