Monday, September 8, 2008


I know I am totally behind on a post...I did go visit my friends in Springhill, TN so need to get that post up with a few pictures. I settled in an apartment in Wilmington on September 1st, so need to take pics of my digs...I think it's pretty fun. I am 5 blocks from the Cape Fear waterfront, so am in Historic downtown. I got sick on Monday night and was pretty much out of commission all last week, some kind of flu bug....maybe it was traveling for a month, sleeping in germ infested motels, eating bad pizza, and losing 3 hours in the matter of a week....none-the-less, it was all worth it!!
I managed to meet a wonderful person, Jennifer, who is on a sand v-ball team(one of my passions), does photography on the side (one of my up and coming passions), plays cribbage (sweet), and is just totally welcoming. Spent yesterday with her and her family, so am feeling like I am settling in pretty good.
Oh, and yes, I was here for Hurrican (uh-hum) tropical storm Hannah. I'll post about that experience later. However, I will say that I went to church yesterday and a gentlemen that was making announcements asked if "this was anyone's first tropical storm?" and if it was, "that didn't count"....more on that later.
Just keeping busy looking for a job and resisting the tempation to totally furnish my apartment :-)

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