Friday, January 2, 2009

One Enchanted Evening

On Friday, December 12th we had our company Christmas party. This year we reserved a banquet room at the Blockade Runner Resort on Wrightsville Beach. We had tasty appetizers, unlimited wine and beer service, roast beef and pasta as a main course along with a small salad bar and chocolate double decker desserts. Not to mention, the band I previously mentioned...Painted Man. Everyone was talking, eating, drinking, dancing just having a great time. We only had the ballroom until 11pm so afterwards some of us went to one of the local bars to continue our evening.

We stayed at the bar until it closed, visited, played pacman and asteroids, I had a lengthy conversation with a guy about politics while my peeps were egging me on for meeting a boy. After the bar closed, me and Jodi and her husband, the boss and his wife and one of our adjusters and his wife headed across the street to get some pizza. We got it to go, the boss (we'll call him Scott) scored us a taxi and we headed back to the hotel with our 'pie'. One of the couples headed back to their room (many people got rooms at the hotel...I was the only one that didn't. Afterall, I only lived 8 miles away) so the 5 of us remaining ate our pizza in the lobby and discussed the evening. Somehow the conversation led to Scott betting me $100 to jump in the pool (with my clothes on of course). "Your going to pay me $100 just to jump in the pool?" I said. Seriously, that didn't seem like a big deal to me. However it was a big deal to the security guard who walked with me out to the pool as he continuously repeated, 'I can't let you do that.' As I approached the pool I noticed there was a cover on it. At this Scott said, "Well, Leslie, I guess you will have to jump in the ocean". Now, jumping in the ocean increases the risk factor by 100% so either I was prepared to jump in for a greater dollar amount OR hang my head and back away from the deal. Just as I was preparing to negotiate with Scott he said, "hey Leslie, there isn't a cover on the fountain." I made my way to a fountain that was flush against the exterior wall of the hotel. I surveyed the situation as he repeated his bet, "I will give $100 if you get in the fountain, fully submerged". The fountain water appeared to be about 3' deep and there was plenty of room to step in, submerge myself and get out. So, I did what any intellectual individual living in today's state of recession would do....I took off my coat, my flip flops, stepped in, dunked myself, got out and said to Scott, "you owe me a $100".

Scott's wife came running out with some towels so I attempted to dry myself off as we walked back into the hotel. Scott and everyone were going off about how they couldn't believe I would do that....but really, was it so bad? I got wet, I can dry, I'm $100 richer. Where is the risk? As Scott dug in his pocket to make good on our bet Jodi had said something along the lines of "Leslie, you can't go drive home like this". Then Scott said, "you're not staying here?" I said, "no, I'm perfectly fine to drive home". Scott insisted that would not be allowed and told me to follow him as he led me to the front desk. He asked the attendant if they had any ocean front rooms available and proceeded to sign his John Handcock for an ocean front room for me to stay in. I was on cloud nine. I took the elevator up to my room, put my key in the door and didn't even have to turn on the light, just walked toward the moonlight.

The view from my room the next morning

The view through my room...notice my clothes drying on the table

I had to take these on my cell phone camera as I did not have my camera. I ran out of battery on my phone after this picture otherwise I would have captured the momentous sighting of my 'dunk for dollars'.

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